Originally posted onWednesday, July 04, 2007
The group that I hang with is an avid group of geocachers and most of us love four wheeling too! So today our friend Grun decided that we were going to combine the two, actually, I said four wheeling afterwards, but more of that later. Grun saw this cache that was hidden and it was listed as a 4.5 difficulty, 4.5 terrain (5 is the hardest). So the Coz Family (Amy, Chris, Sam and Daniel), Mel (Melissa), Grunriese (Pete) our dearest Math Teacher (Eric), TSE McLarney (Tom, Sherry. Emily) and me, we all headed out to Menantico to get this cache. We were prepared to say the least! Everyone has been teasing us (the ones who got it already) telling us how difficult it was but not giving us any hints. Mel and I went a week ago to scout it out and knew water was involved and I read the cache page and saw a bastard version of the poem "Trees" by Kilmer and knew we were in trouble. We didn't want to make more than one trip so we loaded up our 4 wheel drives. We had a Jeep Rubicon, a Bronco, a Big 4WD pick-up and my little "Bessie" a Tracker (when she grows up, she wants to be a jeep). The cars were loaded with changes of clothes, water, tow ropes, a ladder, snacks, shovels. walkie-talkies, axes, anything and everything. We even had kayaks and a canoe! We drove in the sugar sand as far as we could then got out and scouted. We were still 400' from the cache. Half of us loaded into the boats and the other half took to the mud. DaddyCoz walked through the life-sucking mud and the water all the way to the island. Mel, MommyCoz and I followed Chris for a ways until Mel's boots got sucked into the life-sucking mud and she couldn't pull them out. I was wearing flip-flops and by then I had taken them off and was barefoot. Mel pulled herself out after a while and I was in mud up to my mid calf so we left Chris to his own and we went back to where the boats launched. We let them know, by radio, what we were doing and they shuttled back and forth to the island and got us and deposited everyone on the island. Another trek through life-sucking mud and eventually we were all there where the cache was. 20 feet in a tree! One more trip in the canoe to get the Little Giant ladder and we were ready. Set up the ladder to its highest point and Chris climbed the ladder and helped tie it down with the rope while Eric was trying to climb a nearby tree and scootch over (not happening). Chris got the ladder tied down and tried to reach for the cache but was still about 6 inches too short. He got down and taller Tom went up and reached the cache (barely), opened it and threw down the logbook and swag. We all signed in and replaced it and then shuttled back to the launch. All except Chris and Sam who walked as far as they could before the canoe picked them up and took them back! The first thing I did was call one of the people from our group who already got it and told them we got it in less than 2 hours and they were amazed! Then we went four-wheeling.
First, the big Jeep got stuck and had to winch his way out and then Bessie got stuck and Chris had to winch her out. But it was a blast. We finally got something to eat around 5. The guy wanted to close his pizza shop and all 11 of us popped in and demanded food. He stayed open for us, then more came in, then more. When we left the were two more big parties in the pizzeria and the owners wife was calling him and yelling about when was he coming home!
Pete, Eric, Mel and I went to get four more caches that 3 of us got and Pete didn't and took a nice nature hike and then went home.
All in all, it was a great day and I am glad I have these friends.because I never know where the next adventure will take us!
The group that I hang with is an avid group of geocachers and most of us love four wheeling too! So today our friend Grun decided that we were going to combine the two, actually, I said four wheeling afterwards, but more of that later. Grun saw this cache that was hidden and it was listed as a 4.5 difficulty, 4.5 terrain (5 is the hardest). So the Coz Family (Amy, Chris, Sam and Daniel), Mel (Melissa), Grunriese (Pete) our dearest Math Teacher (Eric), TSE McLarney (Tom, Sherry. Emily) and me, we all headed out to Menantico to get this cache. We were prepared to say the least! Everyone has been teasing us (the ones who got it already) telling us how difficult it was but not giving us any hints. Mel and I went a week ago to scout it out and knew water was involved and I read the cache page and saw a bastard version of the poem "Trees" by Kilmer and knew we were in trouble. We didn't want to make more than one trip so we loaded up our 4 wheel drives. We had a Jeep Rubicon, a Bronco, a Big 4WD pick-up and my little "Bessie" a Tracker (when she grows up, she wants to be a jeep). The cars were loaded with changes of clothes, water, tow ropes, a ladder, snacks, shovels. walkie-talkies, axes, anything and everything. We even had kayaks and a canoe! We drove in the sugar sand as far as we could then got out and scouted. We were still 400' from the cache. Half of us loaded into the boats and the other half took to the mud. DaddyCoz walked through the life-sucking mud and the water all the way to the island. Mel, MommyCoz and I followed Chris for a ways until Mel's boots got sucked into the life-sucking mud and she couldn't pull them out. I was wearing flip-flops and by then I had taken them off and was barefoot. Mel pulled herself out after a while and I was in mud up to my mid calf so we left Chris to his own and we went back to where the boats launched. We let them know, by radio, what we were doing and they shuttled back and forth to the island and got us and deposited everyone on the island. Another trek through life-sucking mud and eventually we were all there where the cache was. 20 feet in a tree! One more trip in the canoe to get the Little Giant ladder and we were ready. Set up the ladder to its highest point and Chris climbed the ladder and helped tie it down with the rope while Eric was trying to climb a nearby tree and scootch over (not happening). Chris got the ladder tied down and tried to reach for the cache but was still about 6 inches too short. He got down and taller Tom went up and reached the cache (barely), opened it and threw down the logbook and swag. We all signed in and replaced it and then shuttled back to the launch. All except Chris and Sam who walked as far as they could before the canoe picked them up and took them back! The first thing I did was call one of the people from our group who already got it and told them we got it in less than 2 hours and they were amazed! Then we went four-wheeling.
First, the big Jeep got stuck and had to winch his way out and then Bessie got stuck and Chris had to winch her out. But it was a blast. We finally got something to eat around 5. The guy wanted to close his pizza shop and all 11 of us popped in and demanded food. He stayed open for us, then more came in, then more. When we left the were two more big parties in the pizzeria and the owners wife was calling him and yelling about when was he coming home!
Pete, Eric, Mel and I went to get four more caches that 3 of us got and Pete didn't and took a nice nature hike and then went home.
All in all, it was a great day and I am glad I have these friends.because I never know where the next adventure will take us!
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