Monday, January 19, 2009

Crazy Caching Part Two

That cache under our belt, we head on to the next. I had done this already but couldn't wait to visit it again. It was a multi and took us all over an amandoned bunker/fortress.

We get to the parking area and start heading to stage one. GZ was at what looked like guardhouses outside of a bunker. I stood back and watched Chuck search and gave an occasional hint. Finally he got the coords and we headed to stage two.

Stage two took us behind what looked like ammunition storage houses. There was a tunnel that lead around the building. Again, I looked on as Chuck searched.

Stage Three is one that I had been wanting to do again since the last time I was here. The person I was caching with at that time retrieved that stage and I didn't get to go in. This time I knew that Chuck was too big to get in the space and I knew I could. Underneath a set of stairs, where a gun turret should have been was a small hole. I got onto the ground and again shimmied/crawled in until I found the coordinates. I yelled them out to Chuck and tried to get out. Going forward was too much work so I decided to back out. Dummy me. Move backwards, shirt hikes up. The ground was cold and dirty against my belly, but out I came.

Stage Four was an old. empty wooden building with an "attic" which was basically rafters and hardly anything to walk on. I didn't get to climb it last time, but with my ribs, I was not climbing it this time. There was a box with a huge rock on it that Chuck quickly pulled himself up from. I couldn't have done that! He searched around in the "attic" for a while and seeing how the CO was working, quickly grabbed the next set of coords.

Aaaah, onto the final. Boy do I remember this. When I completed the cache, I remembered the clue for it. "Hope you like bugs". Now most things do not bother me. Snakes, rats, heights, darkness, cliffs, rocks, whatever. No Problem. But I hate bugs! They skeeve me. When I did this last time, I walked into the area behind the bunker with my light. Wondering what I was going to run into. Nothing. The walls and celing were black but I ran into no bugs. Laughing, I said to myself. "This is cake". Then I shone my flashlight on the "black" wall. And the blackness moved. The walls were actually white and the darkness was the bodies of thousands (millions?) of "cave" crickets. They scattered and I cringed. I got to the back room and we started looking around. There were a couple of holes in the ceiling and I just knew that was were the cache was. I started to reach into the holes and the crickets would jump. I had to leave. I let my then partner search. He came out empty handed and I went back in. Eventually he joined me. Finally we found it. I was NOT looking forward to this part of the return trip.

Chuck and I head in and the number of mutant crickets was much less. Nevertheless I stood in the middle of the room and let him do the digging becasue even though they were not as many, they were still there! Cache found. Trip complete. ANother day of 5/5s and an awesome one it was!!!!

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